Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: An event sourced model
This article is part of the series Building an event-sourced game in Elixir with Phoenix Liveview. The full list of articles is:
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Introduction
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Architecture
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: An event sourced model
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Handling errors
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Expressing domain concepts in the code
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Making game states explicit
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Game Server
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Acting on the game from the views
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Building the view’s states from the events and reacting to changes
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Decrementing the timer
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Unit testing patterns
This article on the series of building an event-sourced game with Elixir Phoenix and LiveView focuses on the game logic.
It would be too long and probably unclear for the reader to cover everything in one article, so I’ve decided to start from the beginning and rebuild everything from the start, omitting details, sometimes being a bit vague, and lying a bit about the final implementation.
In this first part about the game logic, we’ll see how I built some basis for an event-sourced model.
An event-sourced model
Before discussing the architecture of the game logic, we need to understand what event sourcing is.
As summarized by Martin Fowler, it means that we "Capture all changes to an application state as a sequence of events."
In an event-sourced system, when something occurs, an event, or a list of events, is produced. It differs from a more traditionally designed system where the new state is returned.
To get the current system state, we go through all past events and apply them one by one to rebuild the state incrementally.
We now have the basic understanding we’ll need to continue. Still, I invite you to read Martin’s article if you want to get all advantages and difficulties related to this pattern.
The game is event-sourced, which means that when something happens, events are produced and stored somewhere. Next time we want to act on the game, we’ll get all events and apply them one by one to rebuild the current state before applying the action.
As we’ve seen, events are a big part of the design: they describe what happened during the game.
Events are designed as structures containing a map called data
that stores all information about an event.
For instance, when a red card is dealt to a player, we need to know which card was given to whom.
To avoid duplicating the same code in each event module, I came up with a module defining a macro we can reuse:
defmodule DoctorP.Game.Events.Event do
defmacro __using__(_opts) do
quote do
defstruct data: %{}
alias __MODULE__
def with(data) when is_list(data) do
data = data
|> Enum.into(%{})
def with(data) when is_map(data) do
%__MODULE__{data: data}
This macro declares the structure with the data
map and a with
The with
function has two clauses and can be called with a map or a keyword list to build the event with the appropriate data.
Declaring an event becomes as easy as using the module:
defmodule DoctorP.Game.Events.DealtRedCardToPlayer, do:
use DoctorP.Game.Events.Event
and were now able to create an event
DealtRedCardToPlayer.with(player: player, card: red_card)
Rebuilding the state
As explained in the first part of the article, the current state is rebuilt from all the past events.
I’ve created a GameState
module that provides a build_state
function. build_state
takes a list of events, history
, and rebuilds the state by calling apply_event
function with the state and the event being applied. The apply_event
function returns the state once the event is applied.
Here is a simplified version with the state stored in a map and coping with GameStarted
and PlayerJoinedTeam
We’ll see in another article the code as it is, which is slightly more complex.
defmodule DoctorP.Game.States.GameState do
def build_state(history) do
defaultState = %{
isStarted: true,
players: []
List.foldl(history, defaultState, fn event, state ->
apply_event(state, event)
def apply_event(state, %GameStarted{} = event) do
%{state | isStarted: true}
def apply_event(state, %PlayerJoinedTeam{} = event) do
%{state | players: [ | state.players]}
We can now call build_state
with a history :
|> GameState.build_state() # %{isStarted: false, players: []}
|> GameState.build_state() # %{isStarted: true, players: []}
PlayerJoinedTeam.with(player: "Charles"),
|> GameState.build_state() # %{isStarted: true, players: ["Charles"]}
PlayerJoinedTeam.with(player: "Charles"),
PlayerJoinedTeam.with(player: "Paul")
|> GameState.build_state() # %{isStarted: true, players: ["Paul", "Charles"]}
Producing events
We’ve just seen how we can rebuild the state from events, but where do events come?
Events are the result of actions taken on the game.
I’ve decided to use command objects to represent actions. Each command is an elixir structure containing the field necessary to describe the intention.
For instance, here is the module for the command allowing to add a player with a given name:
defmodule DoctorP.Game.Commands.AddPlayer do
defstruct player_name: nil
The command is dealt with by a handle
function with a clause for each event. Pattern matching does its job to find the appropriate one:
def handle(state, %AddPlayer{}) do
def handle(state, %MarkWordAsGuessed{}) do
Each clause body contains the game logic we want to apply based on the state and command passed as parameters. The result of the action is expressed as a list of events:
def handle(state, %AddPlayer{player_name: name}) do
PlayerJoinedTeam.with(player: name)
As we can see, we need to build the game state prior to handling a command. For convenience, we can add a handle_message
function to our GameState
module, which takes the list of past events and the command. This function’s job is to rebuild the state and apply the command.
def handle_message(history, command) do
|> handle(command)
With this in place, we have a basis for expressing our game logic with events and commands. In the next articles, we’ll see how I evolved this to deal with errors, describe the game’s state more clearly, and manage the timer.