Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Game Server
This article is part of the series Building an event-sourced game in Elixir with Phoenix Liveview. The full list of articles is:
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Introduction
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Architecture
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: An event sourced model
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Handling errors
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Expressing domain concepts in the code
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Making game states explicit
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Game Server
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Acting on the game from the views
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Building the view’s states from the events and reacting to changes
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Decrementing the timer
- Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Unit testing patterns
In the previous articles, we’ve looked at the design of the game’s rules. Now is an excellent time to focus on the runtime perspective of the application.
We’ve seen that we can interact with a game via the GameState
module by providing a list of events and a command. We still need some way to store the events, and for this, we’ll use a GenServer.
Skeleton of GameServer
module is a GenServer
which allows keeping track of the events in a process.
defmodule DoctorP.GameServer do
use GenServer
def start_link(args) do
game_id = Keyword.get(args, :game_id)
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, args, name: process_name(game_id))
def init(args) do
game_id = Keyword.get(args, :game_id)
{:ok, %{game_id: game_id, events: []}}
def process_name(game_id), do:
{:via, Registry, {DoctorP.GamesRegistry, game_id}}
We can start a GameServer
using the start_link
function, passing a keyword list containing a game id. The server’s initial state is a map containing the game id and an empty list of events.
We also want to keep track of several games at the same time and to be able to interact with them using their game id. I’ve decided to use the via tuple method to link a game id and the server PID in a Registry. process_name
returns a tuple that indicates which registry and key to use to find the server.
The next thing to do is to be able to act on the GameServer
All actions follow the same patterns. For the sake of brevity, let’s focus solely on adding a player.
First, I’ve introduced a client side function. It allows for an easy to use interface for other modules:
def add_player(game_id, player_name), do:, {:add_player, player_name})
When called, add_player
issues a call to the server, using the process_name based on the game_id and asking to add a player with the provided player name.
Its server-side counterpart is more interesting as it is responsible of dispatching a command to the game, storing the events, and replying to the caller.
def handle_call({:add_player, player_name}, _from, state), do:
%AddPlayer{player_name: player_name}
|> handle_command(state)
|> reply()
First, the AddPlayer
command is built and piped into to a private handle_command
function, alongside the state . The result of this call is, in turn, piped into a private reply
Let’s dive into these!
Handling the command
defp handle_command(command, state), do:
|> dispatch_command(state)
|> build_new_state(state)
defp dispatch_command(command, state), do:
defp build_new_state(%ActionResult{events: events} = result, state), do:
{result, %{state | events: ++ events}}
is made of two parts, each one in its function.
First, we use the GameState
module to dispatch the command. We can see that all previous events, currently stored in the state, are passed as a second parameter. It ensures the command handler knows the current state.
Secondly, the command dispatch result, an ActionResult
is piped into build_new_state
. Here the new state is created by appending the news events to the events currently stored. Note that build_new_state
returns a tuple containing the result of the dispatch and the new state.
Replying to the caller
Once the command is dispatched, the game logic applied and, the new state created we need to reply to the caller.
This is the job of the reply
function we’ve seen in the handle_call
returns a tuple containing an ActionResult
and the desired state after the command handling, which serves as a parameter for our new reply
defp reply({ %ActionResult{}, new_state}), do:
{:reply, :ok, new_state)
Here we simply reply with the :ok
tuple and use the second part of the tuple for the new server’s state.
The first part of the tuple seems useless by now, but it’s actually important.
We’ve seen in the article about error handling that part of ActionResult
's job is to keep track of errors. So far, reply
only handles the positive cases.
I’ve decided to communicate errors to the caller by responding with a tuple starting with the :error
atom and containing the error provided by the game.
To do this we need to add a clause for the reply
function matching with ActionResult
containing errors:
defp reply({ %ActionResult{error: error}, new_state}, state) when not is_nil(error), do:
{:reply, {:error, error}, new_state)
The GameServer
can now deal with both positive outputs, made of new events and errors, and communicates them to callers.
There are still exciting things to say about the GameServer
, from how it communicates with the Liveviews, to stopping them and more. These are the things we’ll cover in the next articles!