Building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Unit testing patterns
This article is an overview of some useful patterns when testing event-sourced application.
read articleBuilding an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Decrementing the timer
This article shows how to add a timer in an event-sourced game while keeping game logic decoupled from architecture concern using the send message to self pattern.
read articleBuilding an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Building the view’s states from the events and reacting to changes
This article shows how events are used to build the views states and to communicate changes in the game in realtime.
read articleBuilding an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Acting on the game from the views
This article shows how the views send both simple commands and commands based on forms to the game server, and handle errors.
read articleBuilding an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Game Server
This article starts looking at the game's runtime characteristics and shows how a game server can be implemented with a GenServer to store events and handle new commands.
read articleBuilding an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Making game states explicit
Type system can help express a system capabilty, what can be done, or prevent from misusage. This article shows how theses ideas were applied to express the game states.
read articleBuilding an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Expressing domain concepts in the code
In this article, we'll see how we can express domain concepts in the code, and reduce the size of the GameState module.
read articleBuilding an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Handling errors
In this article we'll see how I decided to deal with errors in the event-sourced model for a game.
read articleBuilding an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: An event sourced model
This article covers the basis for an event sourced model with Elixir. This is the first part about the game logic of a game build on top Phoenix and Liveview.
read articleBuilding an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Architecture
Overview of the architecture for DoctorP, an event-sourced game built on top of Phoenix LiveView
read articleBuilding an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview: Introduction
Introduction to the serie about building an event-sourced game with Phoenix Liveview
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